Hello Admin,
A new warranty claim request is received. Here are the details:

1. Dealer Contact Information

Customer Number: {CN_customer_number}
Customer Name: {CN_customer_name}
Contact Name: {CN_contact_name}
Contact Phone: {CP_contact_phone}
Contact Email: {CE_contact_email}
Additional Contact Email: {ACE_additional_contact_email}

2. Owner Information

Owner Name: {OI_owner_name}
Original Owner: {OI_original_owner}
Dealer Stock: {OI_dealer_stock}
Address 1: {OI_address_one}
Address 2: {OI_address_two}
City: {OI_city}
State: {OI_state}
Zip Code: {OI_zip_code}
Country: {OI_country}
Phone: {OI_phone}
Email: {OI_email}
Coach Brand: {OI_coach_brand}
Coach Model: {OI_coach_model}
Coach Year: {OI_coach_year}
Unit Number: {OI_unit_number}

3. Warranty Information.

Original Order/PO Number: {WI_original_order_numb}
Carefree Product: {WI_carefree_product}
Serial Number: {WI_serial_number}
Purchase Month: {WI_purchase_month}
Purchase Year: {WI_purchase_year}
Description: {WI_description}
Repair Date: {WI_repair_date}
Labor Task: {WI_labor_task}
Invoice #, RO#, debit #, etc: {WI_labor_task_2}

4. Warranty Action Requested

Warranty Action: {WAR_instruction}
Description: {WAR_description}

5. Order Replacement Parts and Components.

I certify eligibility for parts markup in accordance with my States’ current regulations: {ORP_certify_eligibility}

6. Labor Reimbursement Request

Labor Hours: {LRR_labor_hours}
Labor Rate: {LRR_labor_rate}
Total Labor: {LRR_total_labor}
Additional Comment: {LRR_additional_comment}

7. Upload Images

Images: {UI_images}

Carefree of Colorado Team